Showing posts with label Android Wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Wear. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2

Posted by Hoi Lam, Android Wear
Developer Advocate

At Google I/O 2016, we launched the Android
Wear 2.0 Developer Preview, which gives developers early access to the next
major release of Android Wear. Since I/O, feedback from the developer community
has helped us identify bugs and shape our product direction. Thank you!

Today, we are releasing the second developer preview with new functionalities
and bug fixes. Prior to the consumer release, we plan to release additional
updates, so please send us your
feedback early and often. Please keep in mind that this preview is a work in
progress, and is not yet intended for daily use.

What’s new?

 public class MainActivity extends Activity {  
   @Override /* KeyEvent.Callback */  
   public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {  
     switch (keyCode) {  
       case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NAVIGATE_NEXT:  
         Log.d(TAG, "Next");  
         Log.d(TAG, "Previous");  
     // If you did not handle, then let it be handled by the next possible element as deemed by  
     // Activity.  
     return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);  

Get started and give us feedback!

The Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview includes an updated SDK with tools and
system images for testing on the official Android emulator, the href="">LG Watch
Urbane 2nd Edition LTE
, and the href="">Huawei Watch.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Take a video tour
    of the Android Wear 2.0 developer preview
  2. Update to Android Studio v2.1.1 or later
  3. Visit the Android Wear 2.0 Developer
    Preview site for downloads and documentation
  4. Get the emulator system images through the SDK Manager or href=" wear_launch_preview2_071216&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">download the
    device system images from the developer preview downloads page
  5. Test your app with your supported device or emulator
  6. Give us feedback

We will update this developer preview over the next few months based on your
feedback. The sooner we hear from you, the more we can include in the final
release, so don't be shy!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview

Posted by David Singleton, VP of Engineering

Today at Google I/O, we announced the most significant Android Wear update since its launch two years ago: Android Wear 2.0. Based on what we’ve learned from users and developers, we're evolving the platform to improve key experiences on the watch, including watch faces, messaging, and fitness.

Android Wear 2.0 will be available to users this fall. We’re making a Developer Preview available today and plan to release additional updates throughout the summer, so please send us your feedback early and often. Also, please keep in mind that this preview is a work in progress, and is not yet intended for daily use.

What’s new?

  • Standalone apps: Your Android Wear app can now access the internet directly over Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cellular, without relying on the Data Layer APIs. This means your app can continue to offer full functionality even if the paired phone is far away or turned off. Removing the requirement to use the Data Layer APIs also enables your app to offer the same functionality regardless of whether the watch is paired with an Android or iPhone. In addition, your app can receive push messages via Google Cloud Messaging and access AccountManager directly on the watch.

  • New system UI: We’ve made a number of UI changes that will help users interact with your app more easily. A new notification design and app launcher make it easier to take action on notifications and launch your app, and a new watch face picker makes switching watch faces fast and fun. The system UI also adopts a dark color palette and makes better use of round displays. We recommend you test your existing Android Wear app and notifications with the new UI.

  • Material design for wearables: The new Material Design for Wearables guide will help you make your app’s interface more consistent, intuitive, and beautiful. The new navigation drawer and action drawer components in the Wearable support library make it easy to align your app with the system UI’s new vertical layout. We’ve also provided guidance on how to adopt the dark color palette.

  • Complications API: Complications are bite-sized pieces of information displayed to users directly on the watch face. Android Wear now has a system-wide framework to enable any app to show data on any watch face that implements the API. As an app developer, you can choose to publish your data to a wide variety of watch faces and make it easier for users to launch your app from the watch face. As a watch face developer, you can rely on data from a rich ecosystem of Wear apps without having to worry about sourcing it yourself.

  • Input methods: Keyboard and handwriting input methods open up new ways to accept text from users on the watch. You can now use these new input methods in your app via RemoteInput and EditText, and notifications that already use RemoteInput for voice replies will automatically support the new input methods. We’ve ported over the full Android input method framework to the watch, so you can even create your own custom input methods if you wish.

  • New MessagingStyle notification: Android Wear 2.0 includes a new notification template with a layout optimized for quick and responsive messaging. This template is also available on phones and tablets using Android N, so creating a great cross-device messaging experience is a breeze.

  • Google Fit platform: Improvements to the Google Fit platform make it easier for your app to use fitness data and detect activity. You can register a PendingIntent to be notified of changes in the fitness data store, so you don’t have to keep querying for changes to weight, nutrition, and other data types. It’s also easier for your app to get a consistent daily step count on Android Wear -- with HistoryApi.readDailyTotal(), a step recording subscription is no longer required. Finally, apps will soon be able to detect (with consent) when the user starts walking, running, or biking.

  • Support for Android N: Your Android Wear app can now take advantage of the latest Android N features such as Data Saver and Java 8 Lambda support. Also, let’s not forget the new emojis!

Get started and give us feedback!

The Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview includes an updated SDK with tools, and system images for testing on the official Android emulator, the LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE, and the Huawei Watch.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Take a video tour of the Android Wear 2.0 developer preview

  2. Update to Android Studio v2.1.1 or later

  3. Visit the Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview site for downloads and documentation

  4. Get the emulator system images through the SDK Manager or download the device system images

  5. Test your app with your supported device or emulator

  6. Give us feedback

We will update this developer preview over the next few months based on your feedback. The sooner we hear from you, the more we can include in the final release, so don't be shy!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Build beautifully for Android Wear’s Round Screen using API 23’s -round identifier

Posted by Hoi Lam, Android Wear Developer Advocate

Android Wear is about choice. From the beginning, users could choose the style they wanted, including watches with circular screens. With Android Wear API 23, we have enabled even better developer support so that you can code delightful experiences backed by beautiful code. The key component of this is the new round resource identifier which helps you separate resource files such as layouts, dimens between round and square devices. In this blog post, I will lay out the options that developers have and why you should consider dimens.xml! In addition, I will outline how best to deal with devices which have a chin.

Getting started? Consider BoxInsetLayout!

If all your content can fit into a single square screen, use the BoxInsetLayout. This class has been included in the Wearable Support Library from the start and helps you put all the content into the middle square area of the circular screen and is ignored by square screens. For details on how to use the BoxInsetLayout, refer to the Use a Shape-Aware Layout section in our developer guide.

Without BoxInsetLayout
With BoxInsetLayout

Goodbye WatchViewStub, Hello layout-round!

Developers have been able to specify different layouts for square and round watches using WatchViewStub from the beginning. With Android Wear API 23, this has become even easier. Developers can put different layouts into layout-round and layout folders. Previously with WatchViewStub, developers needed to wait until the layout was inflated before attaching view elements, this added significant complexity to the code. This is eliminated using the -round identifier:

 Pre Android Wear API 23 - WatchViewStub (4 files)

1. layout/activity_main.xml

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  

2. layout/rect_activity_main.xml - layout for square watches

3. layout/round_activity_main.xml - layout for round watches

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
final WatchViewStub stub = (WatchViewStub) findViewById(;  
.setOnLayoutInflatedListener(new WatchViewStub.OnLayoutInflatedListener() {  
public void onLayoutInflated(WatchViewStub stub) {  
= (TextView) stub.findViewById(;  

 After Android Wear API 23 - layout-round (3 files)

1. layout-notround/activity_main.xml - layout for square watches

2. layout-round/activity_main.xml - layout for round watches


 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
= (TextView) findViewById(;    

That said, since WatchViewStub is part of the Android Wear Support Library, if your current code uses it, it is not a breaking change and you can refactor your code at your convenience. In addition to the -round identifier, developers also use the -notround idenifier to separate resources. So why would you want to use it in place of the default layout? It’s a matter of style. If you have a mixture of layouts, you might consider organising layouts in this way:

  • layout/ - Layouts which works for both circular and square watches

  • layout-round/ and layout-notround/ - Screen shape specific layouts

An even better way to develop for round - values-round/dimens.xml

Maintaining multiple layout files is potentially painful. Each time you add a screen element, you need to go to all the layout files and add this. With mobile devices, you will usually only do this to specify different layouts for phones and tablets and rarely for different phone resolutions. For watches, unless your screen layout is significantly different between round and square (which is rare based on the applications I have seen thus far), you should consider using different dimens.xml instead.

As I experimented with the -round identifier, I found that the easiest way to build for round and square watches is actually by specifying values/dimens.xml and values-round/dimens.xml. By specifying different padding settings, I am able to create the following layout with the same layout.xml file and two dimens files - one for square and one for round. The values used suits this layout, you should experiment with different values to see what works best:

values-round/dimens.xml values/dimens.xml

 <dimen name="header_start_padding">36dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="header_end_padding">22dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="list_start_padding">36dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="list_end_padding">22dp</dimen>  

 <dimen name="header_start_padding">16dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="header_end_padding">16dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="list_start_padding">10dp</dimen>  
<dimen name="list_end_padding">10dp</dimen>  

Before API 23, to do the same would have involved a significant amount of boilerplate code manually specifying the different dimensions for all elements on the screen. With the -round identifier, this is now easy to do in API 23 and is my favourite way to build round / square layouts.

Don’t forget the chin!

Some watches have an inset (also know as a “chin”) in an otherwise circular screen. So how should you can you build a beautiful layout while keeping your code elegant? Consider this design:



If we are to do nothing, the heart shape button will disappear into the chin. Luckily, there’s an easy way to fix this with fitsSystemWindows:


For the eagle-eyed (middle image of the screen shown below under “fitsSystemWindows=”true””), you might noticed that the top and bottom padding that we have put in is lost. This is one of the main side effect of using fitsSystemWindows. This is because fitsSystemWindows works by overriding the padding to make it fits the system window. So how do we fix this? We can replace padding with InsetDrawables:





Although the padding setting in the layout will be ignored, the code is tidier if we remove this redundant code.

Do nothing
and use InsetDrawable

If you require more control than what is possible declaratively using xml, you can also programmatically adjust your layout. To obtain the size of the chin you should attach a View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener to the outermost view of your layout. Also don’t forget to call v.onApplyWindowInsets(insets). Otherwise, the new listener will consume the inset and inner elements which react to insets may not react.

How to obtain the screen chin size programmatically

 private int mChinSize;  
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
// find the outermost element  
final View container = findViewById(;  
// attach a View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener  
container.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(new View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener() {  
public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(View v, WindowInsets insets) {  
= insets.getSystemWindowInsetBottom();  
 // The following line is important for inner elements which react to insets  

return insets;  

Last but not least, remember to test your code! Since last year, we have included several device images for Android Wear devices with a chin to make testing easier and faster:

Square peg in a round hole no more!

Android Wear has always been about empowering users to wear what they want. A major part in enabling this is the round screen. With API 23 and the -round resource identifier, it is easier than ever to build for both round and square watches - delightful experiences backed by beautiful code!

Additional Resources

Why would I want to fitsSystemWindows? by Ian Lake - Best practice for using this powerful tool including its limitations.
ScreenInfo Utility by Wayne Piekarski - Get useful information for your display including DPI, chin size, etc.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

API 23 SDK now available for Android Wear

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate

The new LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE is the first watch to run Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23) for Android Wear. Currently, all other Android Wear watches implement API 22, and in the coming months, these will receive an OTA update for API 23 as well.

So what does this mean for you as an Android Wear developer? You will need to ensure that your apps are compatible with both API 23 and API 22 watches. While you can start implementing the new features in this post, you still need to maintain backwards compatibility until all watches are upgraded.

New permissions model and samples

API 23 introduces a new runtime permissions model for both phones and watches. The new permissions model allows users to pick and choose which permissions to grant apps at the time of use. In addition, new permissions settings allow users to turn on and off app permissions at any time.

To use the new permissions model on Wear, read Permissions on Android Wear. This training guide provides an in-depth discussion of Wear-specific scenarios, such as when your Wear app relies on a phone-side permission. In addition, all of the Android Wear samples have been updated to use the new permissions model, and a new RuntimePermissionsWear sample shows how to handle permission requests across devices.

When you are ready, you can update your application on both the phone and watch side to use compileSdkVersion 23 and targetSdkVersion 23. Make sure that you check and request the permissions needed by your app at runtime, on both the phone and the watch. It is important that you do not change targetSdkVersion to 23 until you have implemented the permission checks properly, since it changes how the system installs and runs the app. For example, an API call that might have previously returned a result could now fail, causing the app to behave in unexpected ways.

-round and -notround resource qualifiers

API 23 makes it easier to build apps for both round and square Android Wear watches. We listened to your feedback and added new resource qualifiers for -round and -notround, so you can use the resource system to load the appropriate images, layouts, and strings based on the type of watch you are working with. You can also combine this with existing resource qualifiers -hdpi, -tvdpi, -280dpi, and -360dpi for the various Android Wear watches that are currently available. All of the existing classes in the wearable UI library, such as WatchViewStub, BoxInsetLayout, and WearableFrameLayout will continue to work as well, so you do not need to change your code. The -round and -notround resource qualifiers will not work on API 22 devices, so you cannot assume they will be available until all devices are on API 23.

Watches with speakers

The LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE is the first watch to include speaker support, so you can now add sounds to your Wear app. You can play audio files using the same APIs that are available on Android phones, such as AudioTrack, MediaPlayer, and ExoPlayer. Check out the sample and documentation to learn how to detect when the speaker is available on a Wear device and play sounds through it.

Intel x86 support

The new TAG Heuer Connected, along with other upcoming Android Wear watches, is based on Intel x86 processors. If you are working only with Java code, your apps will automatically work on any architecture. However, if you’re using the NDK, you’ll need to provide both armeabi-v7a and x86 shared libraries in your wearable APK. Since only one wearable app can be bundled in a phone app, it is not possible to deliver different APKs to different watches based on architecture. If your wearable APK is missing an x86 library, it will fail to install on x86 watches with INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS and code -113.

If you are using Android Studio, you will need to adjust your build.gradle file to include:

ndk {
abiFilters = ['armeabi-v7a','x86']

If you are using the NDK directly, you will need to modify your file to use:

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a x86

These changes should only be made for the wearable APK, and you can continue to support other ABIs on the phone side. You can test your application by checking if it works on the x86 emulator provided by the SDK Manager.

Updated emulator

New Android Wear emulator images for API 23 and x86 watches are available to download from the SDK Manager in Android Studio. We have also added profiles that represent every available Android Wear watch, so you can easily test on any device you want. It is also important that you understand and test all the combinations of phones (API <= 22, API = 23) and wearables (API 22, API 23), so that your app works for all users.

Updates to existing watches

The new emulator images allow you to get started immediately with testing and deploying updated apps for users with API 23 watches. The schedule for updating existing Android Wear watches via OTA updates has not been announced yet. We will announce the update schedule on the Android Wear Developers Google+ community. We’ll also let you know when the rollout is complete, and API 22 support for Android Wear is no longer needed.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

New Courses -- Developing Watch Apps for Android Wear

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate

We recently released a new Udacity course on Ubiquitous Computing with Android Wear, built as a collaboration between Udacity and Google. Android Wear watches allow users to get access to their information quickly, with just a glance, using an always-on display. By taking this course, you will learn everything you need to know to reach your users with notifications, custom watch faces, and even full apps.

Designed by Developer Advocates from Google, the course is a practical approach to getting started with Android Wear. It takes you through code snippets, and deep dives into sample code, showing you how easy it is to extend your existing Android apps to work on Android Wear. It also covers how to design user interfaces and great experiences for this unique wearable platform, which is important because the interface of the watch needs to be glanceable and unobtrusive for all day use.

This class is part of our larger series on Ubiquitous Computing across Google platforms, such as Android Wear, Android Auto, Android TV, and Google Cast. Designed as short, standalone courses, you can take any course on its own, or take them all! The Android Wear platform is a great opportunity to add functionality that will distinguish your app from others; and this Udacity course will get you up to speed quickly and easily.

Get started now and try it out at no cost, your users are waiting!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Interactive watch faces with the latest Android Wear update

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate

The Android Wear team is rolling out a new update that includes support for interactive watch faces. Now, you can detect taps on the watch face to provide information quickly, without having to open an app. This gives you new opportunities to make your watch face more engaging and interesting. For example, in this animation for the Pujie Black watch face, you can see that just touching the calendar indicator quickly changes the watch face to show the agenda for the day, making the watch face more helpful and engaging.

Interactive watch face API

The first step in building an interactive watch face is to update your build.gradle to use version 1.3.0 of the Wearable Support library. Then, you enable interactive watch faces in your watch face style using setAcceptsTapEvents(true):

setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(mService)
// other style customizations

To receive taps, you can override the following method:

public void onTapCommand(int tapType, int x, int y, long eventTime) { }

You will receive events TAP_TYPE_TOUCH when the user initially taps on the screen, TAP_TYPE_TAP when the user releases their finger, and TAP_TYPE_TOUCH_CANCEL if the user moves their finger while touching the screen. The events will contain (x,y) coordinates of where the touch event occurred. You should note that other interactions such as swipes and long presses are reserved for use by the Android Wear system user interface.

And that’s it! Adding interaction to your existing watch faces is really easy with just a few extra lines of code. We have updated the WatchFace sample to show a complete implementation, and design and development documentation describing the API in detail.

Wi-Fi added to LG G Watch R

This release also brings Wi-Fi support to the LG G Watch R. Wi-Fi support is already available in many Android Wear watches and allows the watch to communicate with the companion phone without requiring a direct Bluetooth connection. So, you can leave your phone at home, and as long as you have Wi-Fi, you can use your watch to receive notifications, send messages, make notes, or ask Google a question. As a developer, you should ensure that you use the Data API to abstract away your communications, so that your application will work on any kind of Android Wear watch, even those without Wi-Fi.

Updates to existing watches

This update to Android Wear will roll out via an over-the-air (OTA) update to all Android Wear watches over the coming weeks. The wearable support library version 1.3 provides the implementation for touch interactions, and is designed to continue working on devices which have not been updated. However, the touch support will only work on updated devices, so you should wait to update your apps on Google Play until the OTA rollout is complete, which we’ll announce on the Android Wear Developers Google+ community. If you want to release immediately but check if touch interactions are available, you can use this code snippet:

PackageInfo packageInfo = PackageManager.getPackageInfo("", 0);
if (packageInfo.versionCode > 720000000) {
// Supports taps - cache this result to avoid calling PackageManager again
} else {
// Device does not support taps yet

Android Wear developers have created thousands of amazing apps for the platform and we can’t wait to see the interactive watch faces you build. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, or just a cool new watch face, check out the Interactive Watch Faces collection on Google Play.