Showing posts with label wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wear. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2

Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview 2

Posted by Hoi Lam, Android Wear
Developer Advocate

At Google I/O 2016, we launched the Android
Wear 2.0 Developer Preview, which gives developers early access to the next
major release of Android Wear. Since I/O, feedback from the developer community
has helped us identify bugs and shape our product direction. Thank you!

Today, we are releasing the second developer preview with new functionalities
and bug fixes. Prior to the consumer release, we plan to release additional
updates, so please send us your
feedback early and often. Please keep in mind that this preview is a work in
progress, and is not yet intended for daily use.

What’s new?

 public class MainActivity extends Activity {  
   @Override /* KeyEvent.Callback */  
   public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {  
     switch (keyCode) {  
       case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NAVIGATE_NEXT:  
         Log.d(TAG, "Next");  
         Log.d(TAG, "Previous");  
     // If you did not handle, then let it be handled by the next possible element as deemed by  
     // Activity.  
     return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);  

Get started and give us feedback!

The Android Wear 2.0 Developer Preview includes an updated SDK with tools and
system images for testing on the official Android emulator, the href="">LG Watch
Urbane 2nd Edition LTE
, and the href="">Huawei Watch.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Take a video tour
    of the Android Wear 2.0 developer preview
  2. Update to Android Studio v2.1.1 or later
  3. Visit the Android Wear 2.0 Developer
    Preview site for downloads and documentation
  4. Get the emulator system images through the SDK Manager or href=" wear_launch_preview2_071216&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog">download the
    device system images from the developer preview downloads page
  5. Test your app with your supported device or emulator
  6. Give us feedback

We will update this developer preview over the next few months based on your
feedback. The sooner we hear from you, the more we can include in the final
release, so don't be shy!